About us

Created in 1956, the FUAJ, Fédération Unie des Auberges de Jeunesse, is a non-profit association (law 1901) and has a network of 80 youth hostels in France. It’s the historical and eco-citizen network of youth hostels in France that offers travelers accommodation in a cosmopolitan atmosphere, services and activities at affordable rates to promote intercultural dialogue.

Our association

The United Federation of Youth Hostels is the French link of the international network of youth hostels (Hostelling International). This network includes 2,500 youth hostels, 80 of which are in France. Membership in FUAJ gives access to the entire HI network.

Our commitment

"More than 50 years at the service of social tourism and youth" is our commitment. In youth hostels, people of different nationalities, cultures and social realities meet.

The labels

FUAJ has invested in the deployment of 2 labels in all its network: Green Key and "Accueil Vélo".

Hostelling International

Hostelling International (HI) is the International Federation of Youth Hostels. FUAJ is the French branch of this federation which has 58 member associations.